Sunday, August 20, 2006

Welcome to Spro!

Okay folks, welcome to the first posting of the Spro Blog. Seems like everyone and their mother has a blog and now, so do we!

After over a month of delays, the very first Spro Coffee opened on the third level bridge of the Baltimore County Public Library in Towson at 3pm on Thursday, August 17, 2006. Our very first customer was a nice gentleman named Sterling who bought himself a bottle of Poland Spring water. Our first coffee customer was Al, who enjoyed the very tasty Flores Bajawa from Indonesia.

Over the next year, we're going to bring the best coffees possible to Towson and the greater Baltimore area. So far, there's no one that's doing the stuff we're doing with coffee. All of our coffees are being brewed in press pots for maximum flavor and our espresso is just top-notch stuff from the crew at Hines Public Market Coffee in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Pretty soon we're going to start hosting coffee tastings, coffee cuppings and short educational seminars to give you better insight into your coffee and how to brew it at home.

So stay tuned for more!

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